GUDP of Chercos

The General Urban Development Plan of Chercos is adapted to the needs of the municipality based on the following specific criteria and objectives: establish the lines of urban growth of Chercos Nuevo, Chercos Viejo, Los Sorianos, Las Paletas y El Campillo. Principally in Chercos Nuevo, advancing on one side to the north and on the other to the northwest, crossing the river and creating a continuity between the nuclei of Campillo and the Sorianos; expansion of networks of urban facilities in relation to the increase of the urban land boundary; To promote the renaissance of Chercos Viejo by equipping it with new equipment and improving its urban conditions: Los Sorianos, Las Paletas y El Campillo; we propose the urban growth of Chercos Nuevo in a north-south direction, as a continuation of the existing urban network, consolidating a rational and orthogonal urban language. Also proposed is a bag of land developable west of the river, next to the current industrial zone, with typical residential and industrial uses; an area of protection is established on both sides of the river Chercos by means of the creation of a wide green longitudinal belt when passing through the urban area.