
FERRER ARQUITECTOS is an architectural services company created in 1993, year in which its founder, the architect José Ángel Ferrer, starts his activity in Almería. In 2007 he opened a study in Madrid, where national and international projects are carried out, and where he complements his fundamental activity as Principal Architect and Director of FERRER ARQUITECTOS with the eventual teaching activity as professor of Architectural Projects or speaker at conferences or congresses.
A clear concern for matters related to quality and the environment, has led FERRER ARQUITECTOS to the implementation of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OSHAS 18001 quality systems, which made us the first architectual study of Andalusia and one of the first of Spain certified AENOR in these systems. We are convinced that rigour in the management of the projects is a guarantee for the final quality of our works.
Our differential value is the design of singular buildings based on light and sustainability, within a strict compliance of costs and terms and with a clear orientation to the architectural quality and to the satisfaction of the customer and the end user.

Our commitment with the architectural quality and the customer is total. We make projects for the maximum benefit of our clients but maintaining a high architectural quality and within an ethics and values that are at the base of all our performances. The interest of FERRER ARQUITECTOS for the quality architecture has manifested itself over the years through the publication of texts in different publications or through the interventions of its members as speakers courses, masters and conferences. In particular, José Ángel Ferrer, has been developing in the last years some teaching activity, specially, as professor of architectural projects. Moreover, FERRER ARQUITECTOS, since 1993 has belonged and continues to belong in many cases to various associations, forums or groups related to architecture and urbanism, like BREEAM or RIBA.

Although our architecture does not respond to dogmas or clichés, however, it does reflect a clear interest in offering a current response to the demands of a continuously changing society. Sensitivity to the environment and innovation, both constructive and formal and an integral service to our customers, constitute the base of our performances. We believe that an adequate control of all the agents that take part in the construction process is necessary for an optimal final result. For this, we have a large team of architects, engineers, technicians and collaborators with a common objective: customer satisfaction through price and terms compliance, offering a high level of design and innovation in all our projects.

FERRER ARQUITECTOS is the only architectural study of Spain that forms part of the advisory board of the Spanish section of BREEAM, the largest sustainable buildings organization in the world. The commitment to our environment is a reality and is guaranteed through the monitoring and control of the action plan established in the manual of Corporate Social Responsibility of the study and the follow up that, as signatories of the United Nations Global pact, we are committed to realize by that organization.

Different magazines and publishing houses in Spain or in countries like Germany, Portugal, France, Brazil, China, Russia, USA or United Kingdom, have been interested in our work and have published our projects. We have also received several prizes and mentions, having been selected and/or awarded for the FAD, ARCO and NAM awards. We have special appreciation for the award to the Architect that the Andalusian Marble Association granted to José Ángel Ferrer in 2009, for considering marble as one of the fundamental materials in the development of the history of architecture and to be present in several of our more relevant works. In addition, FERRER ARQUITECTOS has won numerous competitions in the almost 25 years since its founding in 1993, such as the headquarters of the Almería Science and Technology Park, the AVE station of Vera, the Canal Sur building in Granada, the restoration of the Mineral loading of Almería, the Sports hall for the seat of the Rhythmic Gymnastics and Volleyball of the XXV Mediterranean Games or the project for 200 homes in Níjar for the Board of Andalusia.